Top 50 Listed Companies
In Egypt 2022

44. Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development (MNHD)
Sector: Real Estate & Construction
President & CEO: Mohamed Abdallah Sallam
Market value: $183 million
Sales: $120 million
Profits: $15 million
Assets: $676 million
MNHD was initially established to develop 40 million sqms of land in Nasr City, which is home to three million people. Today, its portfolio includes Taj City, which is a mixed-use development project on 3.7 million sqms of land in the Eastern Suburbs of Cairo, and Sarai, which has a total area of 5.5 million sqms near the New Administrative Capital. In October 2021, the company acquired MINKA Developments and appointed Abdallah Sallam as the CEO.