Tolga Cebe
Rank: 20
Company: Coca-Cola
Designation: Vice President and General Manager—Middle East
Sector: Food and beverage
Nationality: Turkish
Global headquarters: U.S.
MENA headquarters: U.A.E.
Cebe joined Coca-Cola in 2004, and he currently oversees its operations in 13 markets. The company launched its “Open Like Never Before” initiative in June 2020, which aims to support 5,000 stores in Palestine and 50,000 stores across Iraq, pledging to donate 750,000 face masks and more than 1.8 million of its products to retailers. In September 2021, Cebe announced that the firm would be launching foil over-lid cans in Saudi Arabia, made of recyclable aluminum. Before joining Coca-Cola, Cebe worked at Procter & Gamble, Boston Consulting Group, and Monitor Group.