Abdulla Al Futtaim & family
World’s Richest Arabs 2022

Abdulla Al Futtaim & family

Middle East Rank: 8
Global Rank #: 1238
Net Worth 2022: $2.5B
Change: +$300M
Age : N/A
Country : United Arab Emirates
Sector : Auto dealers, investments

Abdulla Al Futtaim owns conglomerate Al Futtaim Group, run by his son Omar, who is vice chairman. In 1955, the group became the exclusive distributor in the U.A.E. of Toyota, which has the leading share of the auto market with nearly 30%. Al Futtaim also has the license to operate Hertz, Ikea, Toys “R” Us and Zara in the U.A.E. The retailers anchor its malls, which include Dubai Festival City and Cairo Festival City.