Sunil Kaushal
Rank: 41
Company: Standard Chartered Bank
Designation: Regional CEO—Africa and Middle East
Sector: Banking
Nationality: Singaporean-Indian
Global headquarters: U.K.
MENA headquarters: U.A.E.
With over 30 years of experience, Kaushal has been at the helm of Standard Chartered Bank’s operations in Africa and the Middle since 2015. The bank’s operating profit increased over five-fold to $475 million during the first six months of 2021, which was its highest half-year operating profit over the last five years. Standard Chartered has also extended its operations to Saudi Arabia, where it will be working to support the Saudi Vision 2030. Kaushal oversaw the bank’s commitment of $1 billion in financing and $50 million in donations in the Middle East in 2020.